Artists Digitize Odesa’s Cultural Heritage and Modern Art

April 27, 2021

Dmytro Dokunov is a digital sculptor who is preserving Odesa’s architecture and promoting methods of digital production.

Along with Fedir and Yana Boytsovy, Dmytro founded the NGO Pixelated Realities.

They use 3D scanning to save decaying buildings and monuments.

“Within 10 years, with current out-of-date methods, we face the prospects of thousands of historical objects crumbling down”.

Pixelated Realities also promotes digital methods among state institutions and artists.

Their digital laboratory teaches others ways to preserve their cities digitally but also include their cultural heritage in modern contexts.

“Artists themselves get a chance to try these methods of production that are being used across the world, accelerate the pace of their own work, to make it more interesting and modern”.

Many of their works have updated exhibitions in local museums.

Dmytro believes it is also important to develop new things.

He and his friend Andriy Utenkov, create contemporary art installations and performances with 3D models and augmented reality.

But with their many ambitions, they are first and foremost aiming to bring digital technologies to the restoration of what risks being lost.

Author: Iryna Matviyishyn

The material was prepared with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the project Stories from Ukraine. The material reflects the position of the authors and does not necessarily coincide with the position of the International Renaissance Foundation.