
September 14, 2023

It Is Not Only Putin’s War

You can come across the phrase “Putin’s aggression against Ukraine” in the info space, which can lead to a false perception of its nature.
September 9, 2023

Uncovering Ukraine: Ukrainian Studies in the World (Part 2)

Ukrainian studies have gained traction amid the raised demand for expertise in Ukraine and widespread interest in it.
September 7, 2023

Uncovering Ukraine: Ukrainian Studies in the World (Part 1)

Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine has highlighted the growing global importance of developing Ukrainian studies.
September 4, 2023

Calling for Peace: Why a Bad Peace is Worse than a Good War

Calls for a cease-fire to end the Russo-Ukrainian war without addressing the genocidal nature of Russia’s aggression drift the world away from secure peace.
September 4, 2023

What Role Does Documentary Theatre Play in Testifying About the Russo-Ukrainian War?

UkraineWorld spoke to Andriy May, Ukrainian director, screenwriter.
September 3, 2023

Green Reconstruction of Ukraine’s Energy System: (Un)Timely?

Even though the war is still ongoing, Ukraine is preparing for its post-war reconstruction. Green reconstruction of the energy system is one of Ukraine's top priorities.
September 1, 2023

How Exactly Do Sanctions Work?

UkraineWorld spoke to Oleh Katkov Editor-in-Chief, Defense Express.
August 29, 2023

PrintArmy: When Small Things Matter

The Russian-Ukrainian war has demonstrated the value of modern technologies on the battlefield.
August 28, 2023

Ukrainian Collective Memory: Minted from Azovstal

UkraineWorld spoke to Alina Ponypalyak, Ph.D. in History, expert at the Ukrainian Security and Cooperation Centre.
August 25, 2023

Ukraine’s Reconstruction: Combining Institutional and Financial Architecture of Building Back Better

UkraineWorld spoke to Yuriy Romashko, Executive Director of the Institute for Analytics and Advocacy.